Where online will you find nine out of 10 highly engaged 15-29-year-olds?
Reading news… surprised? Then read on.
The advertising community has a challenge. Finding the right content online to connect with young people when they are at their most engaged and attentive is crucial. Yet agencies and advertisers can overlook news content online. Indeed, there’s a persistent myth that young people don’t care about or even engage with news content at all.
We had a strong hunch this wasn’t true.
We knew young people in 2024 were switched on and knowledgeable about the world around them. We also knew news publishers had sophisticated relationships with their young readers across a wide and varied range of touchpoints, including social channels like WhatsApp, podcasts and apps.
Yet traditional media research relying only on recall can miss out this crucial evidence. We knew that passive data capturing real behaviour was key to unlocking the true levels of young people’s news engagement. With that in mind, we embarked on a year-long study to understand the nuanced and complex ways news features in a young person’s life.