Revealed in an online show on Friday, publishers took home awards in editorial and commercial categories
Digital news brands and their work were recognised through a total of 19 nominations across a diverse range of fields, from commercial campaigns and branded content to breaking news and sport. In total, they received five awards and six highly commended placements.
The awards were set up to “reward original, clever and thought-provoking work across the best platforms”. They are “open to editorial teams and media owners…whose skill and commitment keep the public informed.”
The list of winning news brand entries were:
- Best Use of Crowd Sourcing or Citizen Journalism (The Sunday Times, ‘The painful truth behind British boarding schools, by Sunday Times readers’)
- Branded Content Team of the Year (Independent Ignite)
- Best Sports News Site (Telegraph Sport, ‘The biggest year in sport history’)
- Best Lifestyle/Leisure News Site (Fabulous, The Sun)
- Publisher of the Year (The Independent)
Read the full list of nominations, highly commended and winning entries here.