The year-long giveaway to causes close to readers’ hearts has reached its halfway mark.
The Sun launched the £1million fund in November, to provide vital support to the good causes closest to readers’ hearts as it turned 50. And that support has never been needed more given the impact of the national coronavirus crisis.
Over 8,000 charities have been nominated, and nearly 50 grants have been given out, with a value of up to £20,000.
More will follow over the coming months, as the team scours nominations to find the most deserving causes to give some extra cash to in these difficult times, as part of the year-long giveaway.
Victoria Newton, editor-in-chief of The Sun said: “The Sun is the People’s Paper. We reach over 39 million people a month and we take pride in shining a spotlight on the causes they’re passionate about in their own local communities.
“Which is why we celebrated our 50th birthday last November by creating a £1million Reader Fund to provide much-needed support for an array of local charities and groups doing extraordinary things across the country, nominated by our readers.
“Already, our fund has done more good than we could possibly have imagined. Small charities up and down the UK have been struggling to fundraise during lockdown, so our grants have been a lifeline for them – and the people who rely on them.
“Of course, we can never repay the generosity of our readers, who’ve helped us raise an incredible £100million for important causes over the last five decades. The Sun’s £1million Reader Fund is our way of saying thank you.”
From Harlow to Halifax to Havering, The Sun has donated to charities in need all over the UK.
It has funded talking therapies, bereavement support services, emergency supplies for vulnerable children and families, advice, guidance and support for unpaid carers, hot meals, TVs, TV licences and computer tablets for the isolated elderly.