The competition gives aspiring Black fashion and beauty journalists the opportunity to be published, paid and mentored by experienced journalists at Style magazine.
Last year’s entries came in from across the UK, with topics ranging from fashion and ageism to ‘the confidence-boosting properties of a bold red lip’.
The winner was 20-year-old Ranyechi Udemezue, who stood out for her piece on the new wave of fashion influencers coming from TikTok.
Since then, she has received one-on-one mentoring from the team at Style magazine and had several pieces published, as well as a session with Booker prizewinning author Bernardine Evaristo. Read her most recent story on the ‘textured haircare revolution’ here.
The contest is open to anyone aged 18 to 25, Black-British/Irish and of African or Caribbean descent. They must not be employed as a fashion or beauty writer or earn their main revenue from fashion or beauty journalism.
The winner will receive six months of mentoring from staff at Style magazine, a two-week paid internship at The Sunday Times and a minimum of three pieces commissioned and published in Style.
Find out more and enter the competition here.