The online news aggregator is informing readers about the local impact of coronavirus.
At a time when more people are reading the news than ever before, Reach is helping support its readers by creating products and widgets, which help to better inform their readership about things that happen in a certain area.
The aggregator works by subscribing readers to local areas they are interested in around their home or workplace. Audiences are then given access to a newsfeed populated with Reach’s regional and local titles, as well as other publications. Users can also sign up for email notification, or regular updates via apps on iOS and Android.
Some of the widgets include informing users of which events in their local area have been cancelled, while a collaboriation with the charity Give Food directs readers to food banks which are in need of donations.
Another widget that logs the number of confirmed coronavirus cases regionally and nationally had been viewed 16.3 million times.
The full story is published by The Drum and can be read here.