Publishers from across the industry marked one full year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with reflective coverage from journalists on the ground, as well as in-depth analysis of the latest information
Although news brands have provided up-to-date news and analysis throughout the conflict, the anniversary offered journalists an opportunity to look back on the year that had passed, what might happen in the future and how the war had affected the lives of the Ukrainian people.
The Times’ veteran war correspondent Anthony Loyd’s column from Ukraine provided a personal perspective on his coverage through diary entries during his time reporting across the country.
The Guardian’s team of correspondents also provided their personal thoughts on Ukraine’s fight for survival, while the news brand also produced an interactive story about the siege of Mariupol as well as other reflective stories marking the anniversary.
Meanwhile, the Mirror’s Chris Hughes and Rowan Griffiths marked the day with a world-exclusive interview with two members of the Russian mercenary Wagner Group, uncovering how the Russian government had employed them from behind bars.
News brands also used the full breadth of mediums at their disposal to tell the stories of those affected and bring readers closer to their coverage. Mail+ produced a 32-page photo special that also featured on MailOnline, showing a timeline of images from the first invasion to the months of devastation and defiance that were to come.
The Independent’s TV output will mark the anniversary later this week, with a documentary fronted by foreign correspondent Bel Trew highlighting the search for those missing or feared across war-affected areas across the country.
In the podcast space, The Telegraph has put out the latest news and analysis in its ‘Ukraine: The Latest’ programme every weekday since the very start of the conflict, going on to become the publisher’s most popular podcast ever.
To mark the first anniversary of the invasion, the news brand produced a special Saturday video edition, with the podcast’s presenters reflecting on the last 12 months and answering questions from listeners.
Elsewhere, the Evening Standard’s ‘The Leader’ podcast also focussed on the anniversary in its Friday episode, exploring how the war had impacted children’s schooldays.