News brands are a dynamic and relevant medium with a daily audience of 24 million adults accessing news content on the platform of their choice. They have reach and influence mirroring the regional and socio-economic distribution of the UK.
PAMCo is the publishing industry’s joint currency. Find out more about its methodology here. The latest PAMCo data shows the public’s ongoing demand for trusted news amid global crises, rising concern about AI, a rise in disinformation on social media and attacks on free speech.
people read news brands every day
people read news brands every week
people read news brands every month
*National news brand readership
Source: PAMCo H2 2024 (June’22 – June’24) fused with June’24 Ipsos iris data
Under 35s
Despite common misconceptions, news brands are popular with young people; 25% (4million) of 18-34s consume news brands every single day. This increases to 61% (8 million) of 18-34s accessing news brands on a weekly basis. That’s more than are using TikTok, Snapchat or X(Twitter).
18 – 34s weekly reach
8 million
News brands
Read more about young people and news brands.
With a digital daily readership of 18 million, news brands continue to provide brands with a quality environment from which to advertise.
Neuroscience research proves that the quality online content offered by news brands delivers an incremental benefit to advertisers, with 51% higher engagement on premium editorial sites than during general online browsing.
people read news brands online every day
people read news brands online every week
people read news brands online every month
*National news brand readership
Source: PAMCo H2 2024 (Jun ‘22 – Jun’24) Fused with Jun ‘24 Ipsos iris data
19 million Brits read national news brands in print every month. According to the latest IPA TouchPoints data, readers spend 1 hr 20 mins with their daily newspaper on the days they read. This increases to 1 hr 38 mins with their Sunday paper.
people read print news brands every day
people read print news brands every week
people read print news brands every month
*National news brand readership
Source: PAMCo H2 2024 (Jun ‘22 – Jun’24) Fused with Jun ‘24 Ipsos iris data
Time spent
Over the last few years, the media landscape has changed drastically and become very fragmented, with consumers spending more time with digital rather than non-digital channels.
The IPA’s TouchPoints data helps us show that despite this shift, the nation’s need for reliable information remains constant, with readers spending record levels of time with their national news brands.
The latest IPA TouchPoints figures show that readers spend an impressive 1 hr 20 mins with their daily newspaper on the days they read, and an impressive 1 hr 40 mins with their Sunday papers.

1hr 20min
On average with print

1hr 27min
On average with print on Sunday

On average with digital
Source: TPT23HC IPA TouchPoints 2024 SuperHub (W2 2023 + W1 2024)
Top reasons why advertising in news brands works
Take a look at our introductory slides to see some key stats on news brands and understand why you should use news brands in your ad campaign.