Tesco Finest is the exclusive launch partner for the Guardian’s new Feast app
The Guardian and EssenceMediacom have announced an exciting new six month multi-channel partnership with Tesco Finest. The campaign will…
Macmillan and the Guardian visit footballers raising money for cancer support
The charity and the news brand head to Baesianz FC’s Macmillan Coffee Morning in this brand partnership to…
Next and The Sunday Times keep kids on trend in sponsored content
While some brands promote uniforms that make the grade, Next keeps the kids too cool for school with…
Mail Sport launches Teamsheet
Mail Sport has launched Teamsheet, a unique new mobile-first, daily quiz game designed to test readers’ football knowledge, promising to ‘excite and infuriate football fans in equal measure.’ Coinciding with the…
Evening Standard Limited announces launch of The London Standard
The news brand’s 24/7 digital offering will be enhanced by the weekly newspaper celebrating the best London has to…
Sami Mokbel named Mail Sport columnist
Mail Sport has announced chief football writer Sami Mokbel has become the latest addition to its team of columnists Mokbel’s…