“Behind every story is a journalist” …at a time when journalism has never been more important, the charity stands up for those who make it all happen.
The charity originally started by Charles Dickens in 1864, has been supporting journalists for 160 years and celebrates the commitment of providing vital assistance to thousands of journalists across the UK and Ireland, particularly in challenging times.
The charities latest campaign includes a new animation voiced by British journalist and author Mishal Husain and aims to raise awareness of the importance of quality journalism by highlighting the dedication and commitment of journalists who continue to report the truth, uncover the facts and hold power to account.
Launching the campaign, the charity’s CEO, James Brindle said: “I think the question everyone needs to ask themselves is where would we be without journalism? Has there ever been a greater need to hold power to account? To expose truth? To probe into dark corners and route out injustice?
“As an industry I think we should take every opportunity to remind the public about the vital role being played by journalists day in day out, because it’s all too easy to take it for granted. It’s been a very tough few years for the sector, so at a time when the world needs good journalists at every level more than ever, we want to highlight just how important the media is to democracy and freedom.”