With the stakes of this year’s midterm elections unquestionably high and democratic processes under strain, the news brand will have a team of reporters and editors across the country covering one of the most consequential votes in recent history
From reproductive rights, climate policy, to inflation, the economy and the very future of American democracy, the Guardian will focus on the critical issues affecting the nation with a comprehensive slate of offerings throughout the day.
Betsy Reed, editor of the Guardian US, said: “The upcoming midterms are one of the most significant elections of our lifetime, and with so much hanging in the balance, our newsroom will be laser-focused on delivering timely, compelling coverage of the issues that matter – from the rights of women to control their bodies to the fate of our democracy.
“The Guardian’s reporting will offer critical context so that our readers and supporters both in the US and globally have the insights they need on election day and beyond.”
Highlights of the day’s coverage include rolling, on-the-ground coverage from key battleground states, a trusted results tracker offering realtime race-by-race results, analysis, explainers, written despatches and more.
Follow the Guardian’s midterm election coverage here.