‘All in, all together’ sponsored content looks at children’s safe return to school.
Select school children across the country will begin to go back this week.
Branded content ran across England on Tuesday to reassure parents and staff that measures have been put in place to make schools safe for both children and teachers.
Examples include Bonneville Primary School in Clapham, south London, where yellow stripes that encourage people to adhere to social distancing rules, have been added to pavements outside the school gates and will appear in classrooms too (via The Sun).
Another example of branded content lists an overview of measures that are being taken across the country. These include smaller classes and drop off and pick up times being staggered (via Portsmouth News).
This is the latest branded content that has gone live as part of an advertising partnership launched between the government and newspaper industry, aimed at keeping the public safe and nation united throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
The campaign idea was developed as a way of delivering government communications in an intimate, human and compassionate tone that readers can relate to.
Stay to up to date with the latest news from the “All in, all together” campaign here.