The podcast series ‘Editor’s Inbox’ will be hosted by Stephen Lepitak, who will interview editors from across the publishing industry, with a primary – but not exclusive – focus on news brands.
A new podcast series hosted by Stephen Lepitak is launching this week that looks at the role of the editor in today’s ever-changing media landscape.
The first episode, featuring the Mirror’s editor Alison Phillips, goes live on Thursday. In the interview Phillips talks about how she started out in journalism, her leadership style – learning to become a manager via a book picked up in WH Smith – as well as the importance of campaigning journalism and delivering greater diversity.
Phillips also reveals how the Mirror’s connection with its readers guides its editorial choices, commenting that “if you have a natural affinity with your readers, you know what they will want to read”.
Of the series, Lepitak explained: “I wanted to create an insightful series speaking directly to leading editors from various media backgrounds about how they work and develop as becoming an editor is something that you either learn from others while coming through the ranks or once in position. There’s no such thing as a school for editors, so I thought this would be something other journalists and editors would appreciate listening to. And for advertising and media professionals it’s an opportunity to hear first-hand some of the colour behind how those in charge of our media titles work and think.”
The new series – which Newsworks is backing – will see Lepitak interview a selection of high-profile editors from national news brands, regional news brands, magazines and other platforms, providing listeners with a snapshot of their ever-evolving roles, how they got into journalism and their take on the current media environment.
Up and coming episodes include the i’s editor Oly Duff and Women’s Health’s Claire Sanderson, with more interviews to be announced soon.
The podcast will run across Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, PodBean, iHeart Radio, Pandora and further audio channels.