New year, brand new stand out ads gallery. Start your January savings at the pump with Morrisons, leave your post-Christmas blues at the airport with Virgin Atlantic Holidays and indulge in spirits with M&S Food
Be sure to check out more of our RAMetrics analysis for detailed insight into the effectiveness of ads depending on size, position and anything else you can think of. You can also take a look at our collection of ads from other weeks here
Take January savings to a new level when you enjoy 5p off every litre of fuel
Virgin Atlantic Holidays
New year, new you, new tan. Jet off to the glorious sunshine.
M&S Food
Setting new year resolutions can be hard — if you’re not giving up alcohol, a glass of this could keep your spirits up
Wibbly wobbly snack on the go? The joy is in the jelly
New kitchen equipment for Christmas? Be inspired by Aldi’s heart-warming dinner recipes
Inject horror into your day from the producers of Megan
Holland & Barrett
Holland & Barrett’s latest offers are irresistible, including its buy one get one free promotion
Away Resorts
Capture moments of colour and celebration
Fenton is here to offer elegance and a touch of sparkle to your 2023
Knives Out
From ‘double-oh’ to onion? Watch Daniel Craig earn his best actor nomination in new mystery film ‘Knives Out’
Mickey Mouse ears at the ready? Celebrate Disneyland Paris’s 30th anniversary with Tui under the bright lights this summer
Move over Christmas, hello Veganuary? Still a treat with McDonald’s